Thursday, December 23, 2010


No, I haven't lost my mind.

AOP is Aspect Oriented Programming,
DI is Dependency Injection and
TDD is Test-Driven Development.

I am a total geekette, my friends and readers know that. However, these three things are making my life really exciting.

I'm building new classes to support the new Architecture of my company's Applications. I am setting things up so the code our team creates is perfect and test driven. Moreover, with dependency injection we can push, compile, build and test in a state independent environment.

If you're not a Software Engineer you'll have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you are you will understand why I am so excited and having way too much fun at work.

This development, combined with Maven, will also make integration with our parent corp's Java code go that much smoother and seamless.

Cool beyond words.


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