Saturday, January 29, 2011

TSA - What purpose does it serve?

Since 9/11 the United States Government has created two completely unnecessary agencies, the creepily named Department of Homeland Security and the 4th Amendment violating Transportation "Security" Administration.

I just returned from a business trip and after this one the absurdity of what the TSA puts the travelling public through had to be shared.

As difficult as it will be to believe what you are about to read, please know it is 100% true and I have taken no poetic license nor have I exaggerated the situation. There is no need because it truly is its own theater of the absurd. This is this weary traveler's experience, it may sound familiar but we must all speak out against this violation of our civil liberties.

Last April I was in a motorcycle accident. While stopped at a stop sign I was rear-ended by a tractor trailer. It has been a long, painful road to recovery and I recently had surgery performed on my knee. I am still recovering from the surgery and require crutches to move about. The airline arranged to have wheelchairs waiting for me at each leg of my journey.

Ok, not to digress, but if you have never flown Virgin then you really need to. They are the greatest airline ever and I never want to fly with anyone else ever.

A very nice TSA employee got me settled in the wheelchair, helped me with my bags and got me up to the checkpoint. His professionalism, helpfulness and courtesy was wonderful and I gave him a tip to thank him for all the help he gave me.

Oh yeah, one more point about the TSA. Every TSA employee I have ever had to deal with have been friendly, professional, helpful, caring and all around nice people just like you and me. I have no problem at all with the TSA employees. It's the Administration itself and it's draconian procedures that I take issue with.

This nice gentleman takes my bags and my crutches and stuff and lugs them over to be X-Rayed while I am left alone in my chair waiting for the next female TSA agent to pat me down.  I won't go into details but the new enhanced pat-down was so offensive and disturbing that a closed my eyes tightly as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. American citizens should not be subjected to this tyranny on our own soil. This is just wrong.  However, that is not even where the absurdity of the TSA procedures begins in my tale of woe. It begins now...

Following my "Gate Rape" the TSA employee wiped her hands all over a paper filter to capture any residue accumulated while she molested me. Obviously, it was clear. She then returned to me with a fresh pad and informed me that she had to now do the wheelchair. I reminded her that it was the TSA's chair. She told me to just let her do her job so I sighed and just sat there as she wiped every inch of the wheelchair with the filter and touched me intimately on three occasions as she wiped the wheelchair's seat.

She walked back to the machine with the pad and I asked, "What if you find something on your chair? Will I be blamed for it and arrested because a substance was found on your chair?" She looked at me and said nothing. The look on her face was one of, you make perfect sense and I can't figure out the purpose of this but I have to do it. Given the dejected look on her face I just sat there and shut up. When she told me the obvious, that it was clear, I said, "Thank you."

I thought that leg of my journey was as silly as it could possibly get but yesterday I learned just how wrong I would be as the absurdity reached a new height.

On my journey home yesterday I was again assisted by a lovely, friendly TSA employee to the check-point and, after my horrible experience with "Gate Rape"' I decided it was better to potentially do damage to my knee than deal with the "enhanced pat-down."  My crutches went through the X-Ray and a very nice, handsome, TSA employee waited on the other side of the metal detector with them. I stood up, putting my weight on my good leg. He reached out and with love and support helped me hop through the metal detector and then handed me my crutches on the other side.

Like I said earlier, it's not the TSA employees but the entire purpose of the TSA's existence that I take issue with.

Things happened without issue, but here is where the absurdity starts.  My carry on luggage is X-Rayed and things as innocent as nail clippers are confiscated. Given the number of nail clippers I have lost to the airlines I now pack them in my checked luggage.

I upgraded to First Glass for the trip home. Once we are eight miles above ground and cruising along the beautiful and friendly stewardess with the awesome name of Rebecca came around to take our drink orders and let us know what was on the menu this evening.

As this is First Class, my Chardonnay was served to me in a glass wine glass. My dinner was served to me on a tray with china plates and I ate my food with real silverware. Real silverware including a knife!

Nail clippers? BAD!
8" Stainless Steel Blade? GOOD!

Apparently it has been determined that terrorists only fly coach.

So, after reading this very true story, what purpose does the TSA serve? Can you think of one because it's not about Security.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Counterterror NYC

A new show on the National Geographic channel called COUNTERTERROR NYC begins this Sunday.

Everyone knows I have a huge Cop fetish and I am extremely proud to be from a century long line of NY's Finest. So please do not view this post as disparaging of of this task force.

However, I need to ask one very very important question. How the fuck would these officers have prevented 9/11?"

Obviously the answer is they would have had zero affect on the attacks of that horrific day.

So what purpose do they serve?
  • Closing the barn door after the horse has escaped?
  • Put the Genie back in the bottle?
No, I think it is to simply keep fear alive to convince the sheeple that giving up just one more right yet again, that allowing a greater police state in your life yet again, is ultimately good for you. We've seen this model repeated throughout history and it always ends horribly.
  • Don't believe the fear mongering.
  • Make your voice heard.
  • Question Authority. ALWAYS!
  • Love your Country but be suspicious of your Government.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jesus Camp

This is an excellent documentary but also absolutely horrifying insight to the bat-shit crazy world of Evangelicals.


Most horrifying quote of the entire movie was when that crazy pastor lady is on the phone and she says, Ya know I think Democracy is the greatest political system on earth but that's just it...and it's ultimately designed to destroy itself because we have to give everyone equal freedom and ultimately that's gonna destroy us.

Equality is bad in the eyes of these people. That truly speaks volumes of how evil and how lost these people are. Their words and actions are about as un-American and un-Christian as you can possibly get.

This is kinda how I see it...

Tweet of the week

Once again @RANKIS tops my list...

Today's nation reminds one of late 19th century Calif. Railroads controlled politics,media,land. Corruption & greed were rampent.

However, I also need to include my new favorite tweeter @RagingTeabagger who does as good a job picking on Tea Baggers as @TSAgov does picking on the TSA.

#teaparty denounces McCain! Obama a patriot? Only those over 70 living in trailers on SS and Medicare listening 2 Limbaugh are patriots! #p2


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reason #1,986,254 why I love Michelangelo Signorile.

After years and years and years of listening to him on Sirius OUTQ it still amazes me how he remains calm, focused and civil in the face of such complete and utter ignorance.

Rita is so stupid I wonder if she has the ability to dress and feed herself. She has no concept whatsoever about the country she calls home.

If you can stomach it, here's the conversation with this stupid fucking cow.

Social Media APIs

While my job is lots of fun, it's really annoying that nobody (facebook, twitter, gowalla, yelp, etc) ever lets the world of developers know that they changed their API or what they changed.

How do you find the changes? Your product stops working!

So, for all of you developers out there wondering why your Yelp app is crashing, here's why.

  • Retrieving Business reviews using{0}/rss.xmlwhere {0} is the business id, is no longer available from Yelp.
  • The Yelp API is still valid for retrieving information about a business on Yelp. For example,{0}&wysid={1}, where {0} is the businesses phone number and {1} is your API key.
  • Sadly, the API only returns the three most recent reviews.

Pretty sucky to only be able to get the last three reviews, but if your app has suddenly stopped functioning you now know why and how to fix it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

AB962 is dead

This really dumb bill that would have done absolutely nothing to protect citizens but make me travel far and wide and pay a premium way above the reasonable cost of ammunition is dead, dead, dead!

Fresno Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Hamilton ruled that AB 962, the hotly contested statute that would have banned mail order ammunition sales and required all purchases of so called “handgun ammunition” to be registered, was unconstitutionally vague on its face.

Thank you Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Hamiliton!

Oh yeah, and "vague on its face" is an understatement. This was a really stupid idea for a bill that absolutely needed to be killed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dead Space 2

The long wait is almost over and Dead Space 2 is about to be released.

Not since Halo have I been so in love with a video game and the sequel to the kick ass original looks even better. If that's possible.

Here's some of my favorite trailers.

Tech Tip

Like my Friday Tweet of the week, I have decided to provide obscure Tech Tips on Monday.

Today's tip: Is your computer secretly connecting to the internet?

Have you ever wondered why your computer is running slow? Why you are seeing so much disk activity or just plain curious to know if your computer has been hijacked?  Well, here's the solution.

  1. Open a Command window. If you don't know how to do that click Start -> Run and type "cmd" on the Open line and hit enter.
  2. At the command prompt type, netstat -b 5 > netstat.txt. The -b switch will display the executable involved in creating each connection or listening port.
  3. After a few minutes press CTRL+C.
  4. At the command prompt type netstat.txt to open the file in your default editor.
  5. Look for any process or websites you are unaware.
  6. Use Task Manager to kill the process or open Computer Management and turn off the service.
I hope you enjoyed this topic and found it helpful.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Goodbye baby

We've only been together for a short time but I loved the time we had together.

Yesterday I noticed that some sub-human, piece of shit, waste of skin stole my 2010 Road Glide Custom.

If you're a biker in the San Francisco Bay Area, this is my baby. Keep an eye out for her or her parts.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tweet of the week

This has been an interesting week because it was a tragic week. The horror that occurred in Tucson and the Tea Bagger rhetoric chickens coming home to roost has made my tweet of the week extremely difficult to pick just one. Here are my top three.

by @Bristol_Palin - You are a paid member of the "lame stream media" you're always referring to, mom. Fire all of your ghost writers and tweet for yourself :(

by @RANKIS - Before they came to power people said very little about the rhetoric and violence of the Nazis. 12 years later the world cried. #p2

by @aurosan - Starting to think dismantling the mental health system in the 80's was all part of Reagan's plan to get more GOP voters in the long run.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Nogales, AZ
Nogales, Mexico
Twin cities separated by an imaginary line.
Twin cities that are home to human beings.
Twin cities who's only commonality is their name.

Imagine there's no countries.

I've traveled all around this wonderful world of ours. The Americas, the Caribbean, Bermuda, Europe, Africa. Everywhere I went I could not find a single American or Islander or European or African. I could only find other human beings. Sure they may speak a different language, worship a different God, dress in a different fashion but those are merely ways for humans to adorn and identify themselves. Remove it and you just have another human being exactly like you.

Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too

Honestly, look deep into your soul. What's the fighting all about?
What purpose does it serve?
When 1-n parties go to War, the number of winners always equals zero.
So what's the killing all about.

Imagine all the people. Living life in peace

I have imagined it every day of my life. I wish there were more people around to see it.

Nogales, AZ
Nogales, Mexico

Twin cities in name only.
A thin imaginary line is the difference between hope and abject poverty.
They are not taking our jobs. Will you go pick yummy strawberries for pennies a day?
Of course not.

Do you want to know who is taking your jobs?
All those millionaires that got tax cuts.
I'll be the first to agree that yes, tax cuts for millionaires has helped to created a huge number of jobs.
Sadly, none of them are in the United States of America.

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Loughner charged with murder & assassination. Complaint attached.

46561369 USA v Loughner Criminal Complaint 1-9-2011

9 year old victim was a 9/11 baby

Among the victims of yesterday's senseless shooting was Christina Taylor Green. A nine year old girl born on 9/11/2001 and one of the babies featured in the book Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11. A child born amid tragedy dies amid tragedy.

Today her heartbroken mother speaks about the loss of her child, Christina.

Thank you Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

One would need to be in a deep state of denial to think that the vitriolic rhetoric coming from the right via the pseduo-news outlets like Fox and incompetent people like Beck and Palin had no influence on the tragedy that befell America yesterday in Tucson, AZ.

While there are many things I would like to say about the current political clime, Sheriff Dupnik hit the nail on the head.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords

Refresh this page for updates...

5:40 pm PST - "All the vitriol we hear by people who make a living doing that -- that may be free speech, but it's not without consequences" - Pima County Sheriff.

Thank you for reading my blog today. I hope it was helpful and informative. News is slowing down, not much more to report today so I will pick it up tomorrow.

In closing I'd just like to say that some may think my judgement of Sarah Palin a bit harsh or even outright wrong. That's ok with me but I disagree.  For the past two years her rhetoric has helped to gin up crazy people like this.  When she put crosshairs on people like Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others what the heck did she expect to happen?  If you or I created the same poster as Sarah Palin and published it we would have had a very long chat with Secret Service and would currently be guests of Club Fed. Why? Because of exactly what happened today. Shame on you Ms. Palin. Shame on you.

3:05 pm PST - Shrinks and FBI profiler talking about shooter.  Bottom line, what a loon!  Lots of interesting tid bits about young Mr. Loughner I'm sure will be surfacing in the coming days and weeks.

3:00 pm PST - Death toll has increased to six innocent lives.  :'(

2:45 pm PST - Fmr. Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaking. "Congesswoman Giffords is a strong fighter." Holding a moment of silence for those who have died or been injured at today's senseless tragedy.

2:35 pm PST - "What Americans do at times of tragedy is come together and support one another." - President Obama.

2:31 pm PST - Apparently the total death toll is currently five. Rep Gabrielle Giffords not among them. She is out of OR and in critical condition.

2:09 pm PST - Federal Judge John Roll among the fatalities. It's been reported that he lived around the the corner from the event and came out to support Rep. Giffords. That makes it 2 fatalities; Judge John Roll and a 9 year old girl.

2:00 pm PST - Governor Jan Brewer speaking. Calls Rep. "Gabby" Gifford a close friend. She appears clearly moved, as would be expected, at this tragedy, says, "all of Arizona is shocked and deeply saddened." She seems to want the rhetoric to be toned down.

Let's hope all Americans rise up to drown out the crazy people getting too much media attention. I believe in the amazing goodness of the American people and I hope this will make the majority of us stand up and finally say enough!

1:47 pm PST - President Obama speaking.

1:45 pm PST - Shooter appears to be identified as Jared Loughner. This is his chilling good bye video. The topic of currency is a popular Tea Bagger meme.

1:36 pm PST -  Shooter is a white male born in 1988.

My thought at the moment...I hope this horrible event will finally tone down the rhetoric.

What's the difference between Sarah Palin and a Terrorist? Lipstick.

1:30 pm PST - Sarah Palin is still trying to do damage control.  Too late Sarah, the horse has left the barn.  This famous tweet has now been deleted.

1:00 pm PST - Update from the Hospital.
  • 5 people in critical condition.
  • 5 people in OR
  • 1 fatality, a nine year old girl.
  • Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition. Prognosis looks good.

An eerie portent from Rep. Gabrielle Giffords herself

12:54 pm PST - Pima County Sheriffs Dept. indicated the Pima County Sheriff will be giving a press conference at 6:00pm Tucson, AZ time. Sarah Palin, the blood is on your hands.

12:33 pm PST Sarah Palin's handlers are desperately trying to scrub her facebook page but people are getting screen shots. For example:

  12:15 pm PST - A statement from President Obama:
"This morning, in an unspeakable tragedy, a number of Americans were shot in Tuscon, Arizona, at a constituent meeting with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. And while we are continuing to receive information, we know that some have passed away, and that Representative Giffords is gravely wounded. "We do not yet have all the answers. What we do know is that such a senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in a free society. I ask all Americans to join me and Michelle in keeping Representative Giffords, the victims of this tragedy, and their families in our prayers."
12:10 pm PST - A statement from House Speaker John Boehner, R-OH:
"I am horrified by the senseless attack on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and members of her staff. An attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve. Acts and threats of violence against public officials have no place in our society. Our prayers are with Congresswoman Giffords, her staff, all who were injured, and their families. This is a sad day for our country."
12:00 pm PST - via NY Post
Her father Spencer Giffords, 75, wept when asked if his 40-year-old daughter had any enemies.
"Yeah," he told The Post. "The whole tea party."
Interesting quote from Pima county GOP - "Get on target, remove Giffords, shoot a fully automatic M16" (Pima County GOP, 6/2010). The blood is on your hands too GOP.

11:57 am PST - Darci Slaten, spokeswoman at University Medical Center in Tucson, just told CNN that she can confirm Rep. Giffords was shot in the head and that she is in surgery now. Several other victims are also in surgery.

11:48 am PST - Conflicting account of Rep. Gifford's death. Some say she has passed. Some say she is in surgery.

11:45 am PST - 21 year old male in custody. No other information.

The shooting has begun

The 112th Congress has only been in session for one week and already the shooting has begun.

Today Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) Arizona was assassinated today during an event at a Safeway in Tucson, AZ. Rep. Giffords and as many as seven other innocent people were also murdered this afternoon.

I do not know if this was a far right loon, or a far left loon or just a regular 'ole loon. However, if it does turn out to be a far right loon the Fox News, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael "Savage" Weiner and all of those of your ilk, the blood is on your hands! After years of intentionally disseminating misinformation and labeling it as news. After years of riling up your base with false threats and keeping them in deep fear of a non-existent threat they are now rising up and shooting innocent people because of the intentional misinformation you have filled their heads with. The blood is on your hands but none of you have a soul and I doubt this story will get more than a cursory glance on your "News" shows.

I fear for the future of this country if things continue as they are. However, I believe in my heart-of-hearts that the vast majority of Americans are all the same and are all good, giving, loving people. As such, I hope this event brings out all Americans, not right or left, but Americans to denounce the insanity that has permeated our media and now our Congress.

Godspeed Rep. Giffords. Godspeed to all the other victims.

There will be a press conference from the hospital in an hour and I will update my blog with the news.

A sad day for America.

My 2011 Project

This is what I hope to accomplish in 2011. A hydrogen fuel cell powered bicycle to get me too and from work.

This should be a fun and relatively easy project and I will document my progress here on this blog, well, once I'm off the crutches and can actually begin it.

I am really sick and tired of hearing people parrot Big Oil's talking point spewed forth by media outlets such as Fox "News" that hydrogen is complicated, blah blah blah. Nothing can be further from the truth and that is why Large Oil fears it.

Everyone knows that water's chemical composition is H2O, but what does that mean? It means water is comprised of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. This is a planet covered in water giving us a truly unending supply of hydrogen, unlike fossil fuels, ergo Big Oil's fear of it.

But Becca how are you going to get the hydrogen out of water? For those of us that made it past the 9th grade the answer is simple, electricity.

Pure Water is an insulator. Water does not conduct electricity. Impurities in water conduct electricity, pure water, no conduct. So, you take a pot of water, add salt, pass electricity through the water, capture the hydrogen side of the circuit and voila! Hydrogen.

The next step is figuring out how to store it. Creating it is easy, build a solar array, attach some leads that go in water, done deal.

Once that part of the project is complete the rest is really easy. Build a hydrogen fuel cell and a small tank both of which can be mounted on a bicycle and off I go.

Why do I want to attempt this project?

I made an oath to myself and to the environment that if I can help it I will never buy another gasoline powered automobile. I would love an electric car but as a renter how do I charge it? I would love a hydrogen car but they are not yet available, unless you live in SoCal.

That is when I decided to make my own hydrogen vehicle and create the means to make my own hydrogen. Free powered transportation. Gotta start small so I am starting with a bicycle.

I love the beauty and simplicity of hydrogen power. From water you create hydrogen. From the hydrogen fuel cell you create water. No drilling, no oil spills, no pollution, no green house gases.

Yes, I am just crazy enough a dreamer to do this. Wish me luck!

Tell Republicans, Put Up or STFU!

Republicans are horribly transparent in their hypocrisy but they don't care because they are shallow, self-centered sociopaths.

The Republicans are trying to take away our Healthcare while they get their Public Healthcare paid for by us taxpayers.

Please sign this petition to tell them to put their money where their mouth is.

Repeal health care? Give up your own first!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Is the iPhone finally coming to Verizon?

via TechCrunch

Earlier today, BGR published a story that Apple is looking to launch the iPhone on Verizon’s network as soon as February 3. That’s in line with an earlier report about no-vacation windows for Apple retail employees. And now something curious has just appeared in my inbox. An invite to a Verizon event, taking place in New York City on this coming Tuesday, January 11. Could it be?

Tweet of the week

This week my favorite tweet was by RANKIS

If congress were paid for new ideas & actions, the last #GOP payday would have been October 1st, 1929.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

LinkedIn Looking to Go Public

via Mashable

LinkedIn spokesman Hani Durzy offers the following statement on the report: “We don’t comment on speculation. An IPO is one of many tactics that we could choose to pursue. We are focused on building our business and doing what is in the best long-term interest of LinkedIn members and shareholders.”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Software Developers Anonymous

I think I need to create this group.

I make my living as a Sr. Software Engineer and I love it. It's especially exciting because I work in Social Media. However, my brain does not stop thinking of ideas when I leave the office and must therefore be classified as an addiction. Ergo, SDA or Software Developers Anonymous.

Last night I was up creating an interface to the iCloud API and now I want to make a better iCloud app for Android.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

BREAKING! Ninth Circuit asks CA Supreme Court to answer question of standing in Prop 8 case.

via Towleroad
Today, the Prop 8 case out in California took two baby steps in a long legal journey. First, the Ninth Circuit denied standing to Imperial County. Second, "certified a question" to the California Supreme Court, asking for some guidance on whether there is any state law that allows initiative proponents to defend their ballot measure in court when the state refuses.

This seems confusing, but let's break this down. I think you will see that taking the certification step was a prudent -- though, in many legal scholars' opinions, including my own, unnecessary -- step to take.

First, the Ninth Circuit denied standing to Imperial County. During oral argument, the panel questioned whether a deputy clerk with independent responsibilities and supervised by a separate part of the California government could, without the actual Clerk of Imperial County, even represent the county, let alone the entire state. It looks as if the Ninth Circuit was unwilling to grant a low guy on the totem poll the right to step in where the chain of authority was tenuous at best. So, this first decision is a victory of marriage equality. Imperial County had wanted to defend Prop 8 in federal court and now, it cannot. And, while the deputy clerk could appeal, it is unlikely that this denial of standing will be overturned.

The second order is a little more complicated. It was not a final decision on standing like the order denying standing to Imperial County. Instead, the Ninth Circuit looked at the law and said, "We just don't know." A recent similar case out of Arizona holds that the right of initiative proponents -- ordinary citizens in their capacity as organizers of a ballot measure -- to defend their law when the state government refuses to do so hinges on state law. That is, the Prop 8 proponents' standing to defend Prop 8 going forward depends on what California law has to say about their rights.

But, the Ninth Circuit, a federal court, is not an expert on state law. So, when a question before a federal appellate court hinges on getting a clear answer to a question of state law -- in this case, does California law allow ballot proponents to step in the shoes of the state to defend their measure in court when the state declines to do so? -- the federal court asks the state supreme court, the final arbiter on state law questions, to give them an answer.

It would be like me asking my friend Jonathan, an economist, to teach me about the economic ramifications of repealing the estate tax, so I can use his expertise to help me make my legal or constitutional argument. He's the economic expert; I'm the legal expert. It makes sense that I would ask his advice. Here, the California Supreme Court is the expert on all things state law, and since the proponents' standing depends on state law, the Ninth Circuit asks its colleagues in California to tell them what to do.

This means a few things. First, we have no decision yet on the proponents' standing. Second, the Ninth Circuit is going to do whatever the California Supreme Court tells it to do because the California court is the final arbiter on what its state law is. Third, this intermediate step further delays any final decision. While certified questions are usually expedited, there is no telling how many weeks this adds to the process. The court could ask for briefing on the question, but that -- and the timeline -- is up to the court.

But, this is not a bad development. Since state courts have the final say on state law questions, and the standing question hinges on state law, had the Ninth Circuit issued a decision without asking for advice from the experts, its decision would be more ripe for appeal. This intermediate step ensures that the Ninth Circuit gets it right.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011!

The worst decade of my life has come to a close with a great sigh of relief and a burden off my shoulders.
  • Over the past ten years I have experienced unemployment for the first time in my life,
  • Over the past ten years I have been the victim of violent crime a few times and am still in a protection program,
  • I lost my airplane and my Mercedes-Benz,
  • My net worth went from $4.7 Million to about $30,000,
  • My health took a nose dive,
  • I got fat,
  • and I even had to file for bankruptcy.

Yet it wasn't all that bad.
  • The best, most loving friends of my life are now a part of it,
  • I've experienced some pretty amazing things that are too innumerable to list here,
  • I've had the most interesting jobs of my career,
  • I finally moved to San Francisco, a city I've always wanted to live in,
  • I currently have the coolest and, thankfully, stablest job I've had in years,
  • and two of the greatest kitties are part of my life.

The reason I am so excited about 2011 and so hopeful for the future is that all the bad things listed above have been left behind and only the good things have passed over into the new year. I am content, happy and so full of hope.

No, it's not the NORCO talking. LOL. I really am filled with an enormous feeling of a brighter future where good things will finally come my way, and I hope the same for my family and friends.
Happy New Year everyone! I welcome you into my life 2011!