Saturday, January 8, 2011

The shooting has begun

The 112th Congress has only been in session for one week and already the shooting has begun.

Today Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) Arizona was assassinated today during an event at a Safeway in Tucson, AZ. Rep. Giffords and as many as seven other innocent people were also murdered this afternoon.

I do not know if this was a far right loon, or a far left loon or just a regular 'ole loon. However, if it does turn out to be a far right loon the Fox News, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael "Savage" Weiner and all of those of your ilk, the blood is on your hands! After years of intentionally disseminating misinformation and labeling it as news. After years of riling up your base with false threats and keeping them in deep fear of a non-existent threat they are now rising up and shooting innocent people because of the intentional misinformation you have filled their heads with. The blood is on your hands but none of you have a soul and I doubt this story will get more than a cursory glance on your "News" shows.

I fear for the future of this country if things continue as they are. However, I believe in my heart-of-hearts that the vast majority of Americans are all the same and are all good, giving, loving people. As such, I hope this event brings out all Americans, not right or left, but Americans to denounce the insanity that has permeated our media and now our Congress.

Godspeed Rep. Giffords. Godspeed to all the other victims.

There will be a press conference from the hospital in an hour and I will update my blog with the news.

A sad day for America.


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